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Travels with George: Ethiopia 2015

While vociferousness is typically associated with cranes – “the trumpet in the orchestra of evolution” to quote Aldo Leopold – one of the largest of the 15 species, the Wattled Crane of Africa, is usually silent. Occasionally one might hear a piercing high-pitched Guard Call or Flight Call and on extremely rare occasions a short duet or Unison Call by a mated pair that lasts but a few seconds. If you are close to a pair or family of Wattled Cranes, one can frequently hear the low burr-like Contact Call, perhaps an expression of proximity and assurance.

Notes from the President

It has been a time of reflection and celebration in the world of cranes and craniacs. We commemorated the 100-year passing of the last passenger pigeon, once the most abundant bird in North America, with a strong reminder that extinction is forever and the conservation stakes have never been higher.

Farewell to Author and Crane Friend Peter Matthiessen

With sorrow, we say our goodbyes with gratitude for the most eloquent of voices for the cranes. Peter Matthiessen – naturalist, explorer, spokesman for those with little voice, and remarkable writer – died of leukemia on April 5, 2014 at his home on New York’s Long Island.

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