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Travels with George: Florida 2014

Late Sunday afternoon of January 5, 2014, while Baraboo was in the grips of an extremely cold winter, I had the privilege of meeting my friends and conservationists, Colin and Anne Phipps, near Tallahassee, Florida. We were waiting, in company with about 40 others, for a pair of Whooping Cranes to land beside a large pond in a cow pasture near balmy Tallahassee.

Travels with George: Bhutan Fall 2013

Since late October, the numbers of Black-necked Cranes in the Phobjika Valley, Bhutan have increased as more birds made their migration over the Himalayas. By November 11, the date of the Fourth King’s Birthday and of the Crane Festival within the courtyard of the Gangtey Gompa (16th century Buddhist temple), there were 262. When I returned on November 19, there were about 350, about 10 percent of which were juveniles, an indication that all is well on the breeding grounds in Tibet. More cranes are expected. Last winter the highest count in the valley was 368. This winter we hope the number exceeds 400!

Local Residents Help Cranes at Muraviovka Park, Russia

In the southern Amur Region of Russia snowfalls are rare and disappear under the powerful forces of sunshine, cold, and wind long before the arrival of spring. So no one at Muraviovka Park expected the frequent and abundant snowfalls that lasted throughout this past winter and two months of spring. No wonder the arrival of migratory birds was significantly delayed.

Students Migrate to the International Crane Foundation

The International Crane Foundation in Baraboo, WI and its unique collection of the world’s cranes has been a favorite Wisconsin school field trip destination since 1978. Over 6,000 students per year visit ICF and take home the important lesson that each of us plays a role in the relationship between cranes, humans, and the natural systems on which all forms of life depend.