We found 100 results for your search.

Travels in Ethiopia

Following a trail blazed by German crane colleagues and through transportation gratis ICF’s official Airline, Lufthansa, I spent nineteen memorable days in Ethiopian landscapes and sunshine. The visit perhaps will, with good fortune, result in the acceleration in the study and conservation of wetlands vital to more than 1,368 Black Crowned Cranes and 213 Wattled Cranes and uncountable thousands (for me at least) of migrant Eurasian Cranes that we observed.

Wattled Crane

SPECIES: Bugeranus carunculatus HEIGHT: 172 cm, 6 ft WEIGHT: 7.8 kg, 14 lbs POPULATION: >9,600 TREND: Probably decreasing STATUS: IUCN: VU; Cites Appendix II; CMS II IDENTIFICATION Adults – red… Continue reading Wattled Crane

Sandhill Crane

SPECIES: Grus canadensis – Lesser, Grus tabida – Greater, Grus pratensis – Florida, Grus pulla – Mississippi,Grus nesiotes – Cuban HEIGHT: ~ 80 – 120 cm, 3 – 5 ft WEIGHT: ~ 3 – 6.5… Continue reading Sandhill Crane

Hooded Crane

SPECIES: Grus monacha HEIGHT: ~ 100 cm, 3 ft WEIGHT: ~ 3.75 kg, 8 lbs POPULATION: 14,500 – 16,000 TREND: Increasing STATUS: IUCN: VU; Cites Appendix I; ESA: E; CMS I,… Continue reading Hooded Crane

Blue Crane

SPECIES: Anthropoides paradiseus HEIGHT: 117 cm, 4 ft WEIGHT: 5.1 kg, 11 lbs POPULATION: 25,000 – 30,000 TREND: Western Cape population increasing; Karoo and Grasslands populations stable; Namibian population decreasing… Continue reading Blue Crane