
International Crane Foundation Receives Prestigious Plume Award for Whooping Crane Captive Management

It’s a feather in our cap! We are honored to receive the Plume Award for our Whooping Crane captive breeding program. The annual Long-term Propagation Program Award from the Avian Scientific Advisory Group of the Association of Zoos & Aquariums recognizes excellence in husbandry and management of avian species.

Egg Score Card 2015

Direct Autumn Release

Our captive Whooping Cranes are laying eggs – breeding season is here! A tradition at the International Crane Foundation is to follow our “Egg Score Card,” which tracks the Whooping Crane eggs from our captive flock, as well as wild Whooping Crane nests in Wisconsin.

Whoopsie, the Whooping-Sandhill Crane Chick

Crane chicks always cause a bit of a stir, but one in particular is making waves among Wisconsinites near its home in the Horicon National Wildlife Refuge and with craniacs everywhere. Affectionately named “Whoopsie,” the chick is a hybrid of a male Whooping Crane and a female Sandhill Crane. With all the excitement around this unusual mix comes much curiosity. Read on for answers to your most pressing “Whoophill” questions!