We found 376 results for your search.

You're Invited to An Evening with the Cranes 2013

Join the International Crane Foundation (ICF) for our fourth annual An Evening with the Cranes and experience great food from local restaurants, craft beer, wine and conversation. You’ll also meet ICF Co-founder Dr. George Archibald, ICF staff and, of course, the cranes of the world at our beautiful headquarters in Baraboo, Wisconsin.

ICF Launches National Whooping Crane Environmental Ed Program

ICF recently launched an initiative to develop a National Whooping Crane Environmental Education program. This program, aimed at 4th – 8th grade students, teachers, families, and the general public, will involve interactive multi-media tools to engage people in Whooping Crane conservation. We started this work in Texas through a partnership with Hamline University’s Center for Global Environmental Education and Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi’s Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies.

Notes from the President

Forty Years! The advent of our 40th anniversary is an important time to reflect on our many achievements, to assess the conservation challenges that lay ahead, and to chart a clear course for the future.

CITES Announces Suspension of Crowned Crane Trade

An announcement, detailing the suspension of trade in Black Crowned Cranes from Guinea, Sudan and South Sudan and trade in Grey Crowned Cranes from Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania, has just come out of the CITES Conference of the Parties 16 currently underway in Bangkok, Thailand.

Thinking Green at ICF

This winter, snow removal has been at the top of the list for ICF’s Site Management team, and thanks to their efforts ICF’s human and bird flock have had a very safe winter. But it’s their behind-the-scenes “green efforts”, led by ICF’s Site Manager Dave Chesky, we would like to highlight.

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