

Apr 07, 2021

Whooping Crane Eastern Population Update – April 2021

In the last month, most birds have returned to the breeding grounds and a few have even started nesting!

Mar 24, 2021

Notes from the President – Reflecting and Looking Forward

This month marks the one-year anniversary of the pandemic shutdown in the U.S. and the tumultuous year that followed. It is hard for any of us to imagine a more challenging time. But as I reflect on the past year, I am struck most of all by the great things we achieved together.

Mar 19, 2021

Working Together to Return Cranes to the Wild

The combined wild populations of two iconic Asian crane species – the Endangered Red-crowned Crane and Vulnerable White-naped Crane – are less than 10,000 birds. Because of the precarious situation of these wild populations, the world’s zoos have established conservation populations for both species.

Mar 12, 2021

Honoring Gee Whiz – a Father of Whooping Crane Conservation

Gee Whiz, a Whooping Crane extremely important to crane reintroduction, passed away recently in Crane City, our breeding facility. He lived for 38 years and nine months.

Mar 11, 2021

Whooping Crane Eastern Population Update – March 2021

Whooping Cranes in the Eastern Migratory Population have started moving north!

Mar 09, 2021

Travels With George – Wandering With Whoopers Part 3

The first cranes to return to the marsh were males. Perhaps the males were raised there. They stand on muskrat mounds and in nearby fields, repeatedly calling as if to advertise their availability for pairing. The males initially search for wetland real estate. Then they advertise for mates.

Mar 06, 2021

Travels With George – Wandering With Whoopers Part 2

As I was arriving home at 6 p.m., the phone was ringing. A neighbor of the marsh enthusiastically announced, “The cranes are back!”

Mar 04, 2021

In the News – February 2021

Our monthly summary of media stories highlighting the International Crane Foundation’s global programs.

Feb 25, 2021

Travels with George – Wandering With Whoopers Part 1

The marsh where the Whooping Cranes nested is still covered by deep snow protruded by the brown stems of emergent vegetation and the conical, snow-capped mounds of muskrats. It’s silent there and perhaps about to awaken.

Feb 24, 2021

Urgent – Help Us Protect Indiana’s Wetlands!

SB 389 is an Indiana bill that will repeal state protections for wetlands that are not under federal jurisdiction. It is estimated that this will impact 80 to 90% of wetlands in Indiana, and make them more vulnerable to development.