
ICF's Whooping Crane Chicks Cast for Critical Role in the Wild

The International Crane Foundation (ICF) has nine Whooping Crane chicks for this year’s Direct Autumn Release (DAR) Program, a release method that relies on older Whooping Cranes to lead the chicks south in the fall. ICF is one of only five captive breeding centers in the world focused on raising endangered Whooping Cranes for release into the wild.

An Insider’s View into the World of Raising Endangered Whooping Crane Chicks

With a population of less than 600 Whooping Cranes in the world, the International Crane Foundation (ICF) is one of four captive breeding centers raising Whooping Cranes for release into the wild. Captive breeding has become an essential part of saving this endangered species, and through a web camera ICF is inviting you to see a day in the life of a Whooping Crane chick and the dedicated people that care for them.

CITES Announces Suspension of Crowned Crane Trade

An announcement, detailing the suspension of trade in Black Crowned Cranes from Guinea, Sudan and South Sudan and trade in Grey Crowned Cranes from Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania, has just come out of the CITES Conference of the Parties 16 currently underway in Bangkok, Thailand.

Omega and Seurat Help Researchers Study Crane Energy Use

As the seasons change, so do the patterns and behaviors of our captive flock. Things have been busy this fall within the Whooping Crane enclosure at ICF. We recently hosted Ph.D. student Megan Fitzpatrick, who spent a week here in Baraboo watching our Whooping Cranes, Omega and Seurat, and studying their behavior in a wetland environment.

Whooping Cranes Transferred to Horicon NWR

Six Whooping Crane chicks arrived last week at Horicon National Wildlife Refuge in Dodge County, Wis. The cranes are part of the Direct Autumn Release project conducted by the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership, an international coalition of public and private organizations that is reintroducing this highly imperiled species in eastern North America, part of its historic range.

2012 Crane Chick Cam Stars Prepare for Next Stage

For over eight weeks, the International Crane Foundation (ICF) has broadcast the lives of nine Whooping Crane chicks and their costumed caretakers via our Crane Chick Cam, allowing the public to go behind-the-scenes into the complex world of reintroducing this highly imperiled species in eastern North America.

Hooded Crane Hatches at ICF

In late April two staff from the Denver Zoo visited ICF to receive hands-on training in breeding techniques that we use with our cranes. The staff returned to Denver with new skills that they can hopefully use next season to produce fertile crane eggs (their birds are already responding well to the techniques learned here at ICF) AND with two fertile Hooded Crane eggs from ICF for their collection.