
Crane Trunk Request Form

To request a Crane Trunk reservation, please fill out the form below. After submitting your request, a staff member will contact you to complete the registration process.

Crane Trunk Request Form

  • Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
  • Contact Information

  • School/Group Information
  • Crane Trunk Logistics

  • Each Crane Trunk comes fully equipped with many hands-on learning tools. In addition, you will also receive a Crane Trunk Manual with background information and activities, plus an inventory of the items included.

    Crane Trunks are available year-round. Reservations will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis, so please note that there may be a higher demand during April, May, September and October. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that our materials will be available on time with less than two weeks’ notice, so plan on requesting trunks at least one month in advance. Reservations may be made for a seven-day period.

    You can choose to pick up or return your trunk at the International Crane Foundation’s headquarters in Baraboo, Wisconsin, or materials can be shipped to you and returned with a postage fee. Trunks that are shipped should be returned to the International Crane Foundation within three days of the end of the seven-day rental period. For directions to our site, click here.