
African Crane Conservation Retreat

Between February 24 and March 5, 2018, I joined members of the African Crane Conservation Program in Uganda and Rwanda for a nine-day retreat focusing on team building activities, conservation planning and visioning for our East Africa programs, and learning new crane and ecosystem monitoring skills.

Using Photomedicine to Care for Aging Cranes

The International Crane Foundation supports a full-time veterinary team and comprehensive health care program for our captive crane population. The most common issue affecting the aging cranes in our captive population is osteoarthritis – affecting 10% of our current flock – which unfortunately has no cure. Recent research in the area of low-level light therapy has shown excellent results in treating chronic pain with no known side effects.

Crane City Renovations Bring New Life to Crane Enclosures

This winter we finished the fifth phase of renovations to our breeding facility Crane City. Yes, fifth – Crane City is extensive and houses around 70 birds. This multi-year effort is focusing on needed improvements to the cranes’ enclosures, including new siding and flight netting, reinforced fencing and roof repairs, and upgraded water hydrants and electrical.