
Friends Helping Friends

Wheeler Refuge Association put on a fantastic Festival of the Cranes in Alabama earlier this month, despite the partial government shutdown. The association was able to help foot the bill to reopen the refuge in time for the festival. The Friends of Goose Pond in Linton, Indiana, heard about this and decided to help out with a donation to Wheeler Refuge Association.

“We feel a special kinship to Wheeler because we both host Whooping Cranes at our sites. We also both host festivals associated with cranes and we know how important the festival is to us and that it would be tragic to miss it for any reason. I know this is a small token, but we are happy to join with Wheeler and hope we will continue to grow our friends of friends relationship.”  –Jim Brown, board member for Friends of Goose Pond

The second to left crane in the above photo is #38-08, who has spent time at both Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge in Decatur, Alabama, and Goose Pond Fish and Wildlife Area in Linton, Indiana. Cranes don’t care if the government is shut down, and they need help along every part of the flyway. Thank you, Friends of Goose Pond, for reaching out to our fellow Craniacs in Alabama and helping out in such a generous way!

If you want to celebrate cranes and other wildlife in Indiana, Marsh Madness is March 1 and 2 in Linton! The International Crane Foundation will be there with a table and our mascot Hope. Click here to learn more about the festival.

Story submitted by Lizzie Condon, Whooping Crane Outreach Coordinator. Click here to learn more about our work in North America.