
Thanks to donations, Texas program rebuilding begins!


Hurricane Harvey clean up, rebuilding of Rockport office underway, thanks to you!

We still need your help to prepare for the fall Whooping Crane arrival – Campaign goal is $80,000.


International Crane Foundation Senior Facilities Technician Tom Davis packs a truck to drive much-needed supplies to Rockport, Texas, to begin cleanup and rebuilding of the Texas State Whooping Crane program. The truck and supplies were purchased, thanks to donors like you!

To all of you who answered our call for help following the Hurricane Harvey devastation of our International Crane Foundation Rockport, Texas, office —

We thank you!

To date, we’ve received close to $40,000 in donations to help our Texas State staff clean up and rebuild in Rockport.

Your funding has enabled us to reposition key support staff to Texas and purchase a number of vital items that will assist our team with recovery and moving forward. We dispatched staff this week to help with cleanup and to get a temporary office up and running. We purchased a much-needed truck that we are dedicating to pulling and positioning our boat to reach Whooping Crane areas that are particularly difficult to access, because all areas we use to store and dock our boat near Aransas Wildlife Refuge were destroyed. Other equipment heading to Texas – thanks to your generosity – includes two generators, a refrigerator, a chain saw, a reciprocating saw, various tools and cleaning supplies.

The wild Whooping Crane flock is safe, and needs our help.

As we clean up from this human tragedy and get our feet back on the ground, many supporters have asked us if the Whooping Cranes survived the storm. They did, as they are still on their breeding grounds in Wood Buffalo National Park in Canada. This last remaining wild flock of Whooping Cranes in the world will begin migrating back to the Texas Gulf in late September and October. Making this journey for the first time will be a record number of 63 Whooping Crane chicks born in the national park this spring. With your support, we will be in position to continue our vital research and management activities aimed at ensuring the future of this endangered flock.

Whooping Crane chick, Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada
Pictured is one of 63 Whooping Crane chicks that hatched this spring in Wood Buffalo National Park in Canada. This crane will fly back to Texas this fall with the last remaining wild flock of Whooping Cranes on the planet.

We ask for your help once again!

Our Texas campaign goal is $80,000.

To make sure our Texas Whooping Crane program is up and running by the time the Whooping Cranes return to Texas…

We ask for your help once again. Our Texas campaign goal is $80,000!

We will use your donations to continue our cleanup, find new office space and equip our staff to continue our important work. Your support is especially vital at this time, as we will be evaluating the impacts of the extreme wind, rain and storm surge of Hurricane Harvey on the cranes’ habitat, water quality and food supply within the marshes, especially where the cranes search for food.

Whooping Cranes depend on blue crabs found in the Texas Gulf region. This high-protein diet is vital to the cranes’ spring migration, and raising of successful chicks back on their Canadian breeding grounds. We have a busy field season ahead of us, and are working as fast as we can to be ready for the return of the Whooping Crane Flock in November.

We still need your help!

Please help us reach our campaign goal of $80,000, so we can do everything in our power to prepare for the biggest Whooping Crane flock in modern history when it returns to Texas this fall!
