
Notes from the President – Cranes, Climate Change and the COVID Crisis

At the International Crane Foundation, we have long focused on cranes as modern-day “canaries in the coal mine,” raising awareness about the impacts of climate change on this family of cherished, endangered birds and the wonderful, wild places they (and all of us) need.

Notes from the President – Bird watching from home

We are bird watching from home in record numbers these days, monitoring our feeders like never before, cheering the return of spring migrants. Globally, the relationship between cranes and feeding stations is an important but very complicated conservation story (and people story).

Workshop to Develop a Long-term Strategy for Crane Conservation in the East Asian Flyway

In October, I traveled to Beijing Forestry University for a three-day workshop jointly organized by the University’s Center for East Asian – Australasian Flyway Studies and the International Crane Foundation. Our principal goal was to draft a ten-year Crane Strategy and Action Plan for the East Asian Flyway, comprising Russia, Mongolia, China, North and South Korea and Japan focusing on four threatened crane species – Siberian, Red-crowned, White-naped and Hooded Cranes.