
Whooping Cranes Depart on Ultralight-guided Flight to Florida

Six young Whooping Cranes began their ultralight-led migration September 28th from the White River Marsh State Wildlife Area in Green Lake County, Wis. This is the 12th group of birds to take part in a project led by the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP), an international coalition of public and private groups that is reintroducing this highly imperiled species in eastern North America, part of its historic range.

Raising Kid Colt – A Story of a Young Sandhill Crane

A perfect balance of entertainment and education, Raising Kid Colt – A Story of a Young Sandhill Crane, invites you into the exciting world of a wild Sandhill Crane couple and their parenthood adventures. The incredible footage and documentation of these cranes was captured by amateur videographer, Nina Faust, who happily shares her land in Homer, Alaska with a Sandhill Crane family.

Whooping Cranes Transferred to Horicon NWR

Six Whooping Crane chicks arrived last week at Horicon National Wildlife Refuge in Dodge County, Wis. The cranes are part of the Direct Autumn Release project conducted by the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership, an international coalition of public and private organizations that is reintroducing this highly imperiled species in eastern North America, part of its historic range.

2012 Crane Chick Cam Stars Prepare for Next Stage

For over eight weeks, the International Crane Foundation (ICF) has broadcast the lives of nine Whooping Crane chicks and their costumed caretakers via our Crane Chick Cam, allowing the public to go behind-the-scenes into the complex world of reintroducing this highly imperiled species in eastern North America.

ICF Plants the Seed for Solving Crane-Related Crop Damage

An effective solution for damage that Sandhill Cranes cause to planted corn seeds has been used in record amounts during the just-completed 2012 planting season and represents a win-win solution for both conservation and agriculture. Developed by the International Crane Foundation (ICF) and Arkion LLC, Avipel® has been available to farmers since 2006.

Spend a Summer Evening with the Cranes

Enjoy a summer evening outdoors with gourmet food, friends and some of the rarest birds on earth. On Saturday, June 23 from 5 – 8 PM the International Crane Foundation (ICF), located on Shady Lane Road between Baraboo and Wisconsin Dells, will be hosting its 3rd Evening with the Cranes to kick off the summer season and to raise awareness about the conservation work ICF is accomplishing around the world.

Discover Wisconsin Sets Out on Birding Adventure with ICF

Only one place in the world has all 15 species of cranes and only one television show will feature it later this month. The International Crane Foundation (ICF) in Baraboo has been in the spotlight for the past year for filming, and now the episode will air Saturday, June 23 and Sunday, June 24 on the Discover Wisconsin broadcast network, reaching 250,000 viewers across the upper Great Lakes region, including Minnesota, Iowa, Northern Illinois and Upper Michigan.

Chick It Out! ICF Launches Whooping Crane Chick Cam

Access to the rare and endangered Whooping Crane chicks that are raised each year at the International Crane Foundation (ICF) in Baraboo, WI is granted only to trained ICF staff wearing crane costumes – until now. This chick season ICF is sharing this experience with the world through our live web cam!