
Workshop to Develop a Long-term Strategy for Crane Conservation in the East Asian Flyway

In October, I traveled to Beijing Forestry University for a three-day workshop jointly organized by the University’s Center for East Asian – Australasian Flyway Studies and the International Crane Foundation. Our principal goal was to draft a ten-year Crane Strategy and Action Plan for the East Asian Flyway, comprising Russia, Mongolia, China, North and South Korea and Japan focusing on four threatened crane species – Siberian, Red-crowned, White-naped and Hooded Cranes.

Crane Conservation Strategy – Now Available

This landmark volume provides a wealth of information to guide the conserva­tion of the world’s fifteen species of cranes and the ecosystems where they occur. It reflects the work and knowledge of dozens of devoted colleagues in the IUCN Species Survival Commission’s Crane Specialist Group.

Top Ten Facts About Cranes and People

We believe people and cranes – and other wildlife – can coexist peacefully on urban, suburban and rural landscapes. As with many neighbors, coexisting peacefully might require some patience and creativity. To that end, we asked our staff for their top ten facts about cranes and people. Please let us know if you have others that you would add!