Member Meeting to Include Vote on Articles of Incorporation

Baraboo, WI – The International Crane Foundation will hold its annual member meeting on Saturday, September 17, at its headquarters in Baraboo, Wisconsin. This year’s meeting will include an important vote by members on a resolution that will amend the International Crane Foundation’s Articles of Incorporation. The resolution will help the Foundation streamline decision making and operations that are critical as it continues to grow and mature as an organization. The vote will take place during Member Appreciation Day at the Wattled Crane Amphitheater beginning at 10 a.m. Central Time.
International Crane Foundation Members will continue to receive the full complement of loved benefits, including free admission to the Cranes of the World at the Foundation’s headquarters, gift shop discounts, frequent newsletter updates, Member Moments and special invitations to events that feature the Foundation’s crane experts from around the world.
“We are grateful every day for your support and partnership, and we hope to see many of you in person at our headquarters here in Baraboo, Wisconsin, on September 17, for our annual Member Appreciation Day – always one of our highlights of the year,” noted President and CEO Rich Beilfuss.
The vote will enable the International Crane Foundation Board of Directors to govern more like other nonprofits of our size and global scope by changing our status under Wisconsin law to a ‘non-member’ organization for governance purposes,” continued Beilfuss.
Once a small organization with local members, the International Crane Foundation today is a global force working to save the world’s 15 species of cranes in more than 50 countries on five continents, with nearly 10,000 members worldwide. The proposed change will give the Foundation’s Board of Directors the ability to elect new Directors and make other decisions that were formally within the purview of local members and the Board.
The updated Articles will help better align the International Crane Foundation’s global operations and strengthen the continuity of program management. You can learn more about the resolution here.
Questions about the proposed resolution and updates may be directed to the International Crane Foundation’s Membership Manager.