Global Headquarters
The International Crane Foundation’s Headquarters in Baraboo, Wisconsin, USA is the global center for the study and conservation of cranes.
Through our programs, we enable staff, partners and other leaders to practice conservation at the highest levels while responding to current and emergent threats to cranes and the ecosystems, watersheds and flyways on which they depend.

View our webinar playlist Conservation Leadership at Our Global Headquarters.
From our headquarters in America’s Midwest, our efforts are making a difference for cranes and their habitats across the globe. Core programs include:
- Leading the science of crane captive management and reintroduction.
- Maintaining an on-site facility featuring all 15 of the world’s crane species and associated visitor education and outreach program.
- Managing our native landscape, including more than 120 acres of restored prairie, oak savanna and wetlands as an inspiration and training tool for others.
- Advancing conservation leadership at every level.
- Providing services that constitute the foundation for many crane conservation efforts worldwide, including expertise in educational programming, veterinary medicine, geographic information systems and measures of conservation success.