Climate Change Risk Mitigation
Community Involvement
Ecosystem Management
Water Management

Grey Crowned Cranes as a Powerful Flagship Species for Improving Livelihoods in East Africa

Mar 7, 2025 @ 3 PM – 4 PM

Learn about the connection between cranes and people in East Africa with Dr. Adalbert Aine-omucunguzi, the International Crane Foundation’s East Africa Regional Director, on March 7 at the Rowe Sanctuary in Gibbon, Nebraska. Adalbert will share how our interventions to secure cranes, wetlands, and catchments are helping to improve the livelihoods of last-mile (forgotten) communities in East Africa. These communities would otherwise exacerbate crane habitat degradation in their quest for survival.


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Location: Ian Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary, 44450 Elm Island Road, Gibbon, Nebraska