Sarus Crane Conservation Program Lauches at Tram Chim National Park

Photo: The International Crane Foundation’s Southeast Asia Program Director Dr. Tran Triet presents during opening ceremony at Tram Chim National Park.
On December 12, 2024, Vietnam’s Tram Chim National Park organized a beautiful opening ceremony for the new 10-year Sarus Crane Conservation Program. Hundreds of participants attended the event, including officials from central, provincial, and local governments, international and Vietnamese conservation organizations, private businesses, and representatives of local communities. A diverse delegation from Thailand attended the ceremony, including the Royal Thai embassy, office of the Prime Minister, Mahidol University, Zoological Park Organization, and businesses and farmers from Buriram Province
The 10-year Sarus Crane Conservation Program aims to establish a Sarus Crane population of around 100 birds that live and breed at Tram Chim and the vicinity year-round. The program has four components:
- Cooperation with the Zoological Park Organization of Thailand to receive captive-bred juvenile Sarus Cranes to be released at Tram Chim.
- Restoration of wetland ecosystems and Sarus Crane habitats in the core zone of Tram Chim National Park.
- Development of crane-friendly rice farming in the buffer zone of Tram Chim to provide habitats for cranes and other wildlife.
- An environmental education program targeting school students in the buffer zone.
Dong Thap Province has pledged an investment of US$ 8 million to fund the program.

A series of events were also organized to celebrate the program’s beginning, including a donor conference, a tree-planting ceremony, a 5k-trek around the Park, a drawing contest attracting 300 elementary students, and a farmer’s fair.

The International Crane Foundation has worked at Tram Chim since 1988. The Foundation played a crucial role in facilitating cooperation between Thailand and Vietnam on Sarus Crane conservation and assisted Dong Thap Province in developing the 10-year plan.

Story submitted by Dr. Tran Triet, Southeast Asia Program Director. Click here to learn more about our Asia Program.