
From the Field Webinars

You are invited to our monthly From the Field Webinar series on Thursdays at 11 a.m. Central Time. Click here to view the library of past webinars.

To learn more about sponsoring a webinar, please contact Kate Fitzwilliams at 608-617-6002.

Students attend their first Crane School lessons in Lusigang Primary School. Yu Qian/International Crane Foundation
Students attend their first Crane School lessons at Lusigang Primary School. Yu Qian/International Crane Foundation

Lighting the Way for Crane ConservationDeveloping an Environmental Education Network in East Asia

Thursday, July 11, 11 a.m. Central Time

A new Crane School has started classes in China! The lessons are designed to teach students the importance of protecting their local wildlife, including the Critically Endangered Siberian Crane and create pride in these natural resources.

Our Environmental Education Program Manager, Cui Fangjie, will share an update on our environmental education activities in China, including the growing Crane School program.

Sponsored by the Erica P. John Fund.

Grey Crowned Cranes foraging near a buffer zone in Kenya. Ufulu Studios
Grey Crowned Cranes foraging near a wetland buffer zone in Kenya. Ufulu Studios

Enriched Buffer Zones and Clean Water Initiatives in Kenya

Thursday, Aug. 1, 11 a.m. Central Time

With Dr. Joseph Mwangi, Kenya Country Manager

Sponsored by Nancy McDaniel.