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Press Release
Whooping Crane

Art Contest Open: Submit Your Whooping Crane Artwork to Win


The deadline for contest submissions has now passed. Visit our Facebook page to vote for your favorite artwork!

The International Crane Foundation is calling all artists to submit their Whooping Crane artwork for a chance to be featured on our new Whooping Crane outreach trailer. The deadline for submission is January 31.

We are looking for individuals to create art pieces centered around Whooping Cranes and their habitats for an environmental outreach trailer with the purpose of increasing awareness and understanding of Whooping Cranes and mid-coast estuaries, increasing environmental education, and fostering stewardship within the community. Prizes include a one-year membership to the International Crane Foundation and crane “swag.”

Judging Process:

Artwork will go through two rounds of judging: the first round will be judged by staff of the International Crane Foundation, then finalists will be posted to our social media to select the winner. Winner(s) will be announced in early 2025.

Contest Rules:
  • You may submit:
    • Art in any 2-dimensional medium, including digital illustrations
  • You may not submit:
    • AI generated art
    • Photos or Videos
    • Artwork that is not your own
  • Artwork must be 8 x 10 (portrait not landscape).
  • Must include a Whooping Crane, and must be representative of Texas Whooping Crane habitat.
  • While there is no minimum or maximum age to participate, for artists 13 years old and under, artwork must be submitted by a parent/guardian.
  • One entry per individual.
  • All entries must be submitted in a PDF of JPEG format at a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
  • Artwork created before the contest period may be submitted so long as it follows all other guidelines.
  • Please include a signature in a lower corner of your piece.
  • Entries are NOT restricted to Texas residents—all are welcome to enter.
  • Entries must be emailed to Ryan Michalesko, Communications & Advocacy Specialist, no later than 11:59 PM (CST) on January 31, 2025. Email entries to by the deadline.
  • Failure to comply with all contest rules will result in disqualification from the contest.

Artists who submit their artwork to the International Crane Foundation for an art contest agree to the following:

  • Contest entrants will retain copyright of all submitted work but grant the International Crane Foundation unlimited and indefinite permission to display submitted images on/in the Foundation’s exhibits, website, print collateral, display images, and/or any additional materials.
  • By entering this art competition, you are granting the International Crane Foundation a non-exclusive perpetual license to reproduce images of your artwork on our website, in our print media, newsletters, exhibits, website, print collateral, display images, and/or any additional promotional materials.
  • All winning entries will be published on the International Crane Foundation website and social media accounts. Any present or future requests for removal will be denied.

This project made possible by funding from Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program