Art Contest Open: Submit Your Whooping Crane Artwork to Win
Calling all artists young and old to submit their artwork for a chance to be featured on our new Whooping Crane outreach trailer.
Statement Regarding the Wisconsin Legislative Study Committee on Sandhill Cranes
The International Crane Foundation participated in the Legislative Study Committee on Sandhill Cranes hopeful for a serious discussion about how we can support Wisconsin’s farmers with real solutions to solve crop damage by cranes. We are disappointed by the outcome.
Wisconsin Legislative Council Study Committee on Sandhill Cranes to hold its last meeting Dec. 10
Update: The Wisconsin Legislative Council Study Committee on Sandhill Cranes is scheduled to hold its last meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 10, beginning at 10 a.m. at the Wisconsin State Capitol, Room 417 North – GAR Hall (2 E. Main St., Madison).
In the News – September 2024
Monthly summary of media stories highlighting our global programs. How spring project is bringing clean, fresh water to Nandi residents, The Star Kenya
Get A Cranes of Wisconsin License Plate for the Whole Flock
The International Crane Foundation will receive a $25 donation for each registered new plate and every time you renew your license plate in the future. By doing so, you can show your support for cranes and give an easy recurring gift to support our work with Sandhill and Whooping Cranes in Wisconsin.
One week remaining for early bird registration to the Great Midwest Crane Fest
Contact: Ryan Michalesko, International Crane Foundation Communications & Advocacy Specialist, 608-356-9462 ext. 113 Andy Radtke, Aldo Leopold Foundation Marketing & Communications Manager, 608-355-0279, ext. 360
In the News – August 2024
Monthly summary of media stories highlighting our global programs.
Resident Blue Cranes Raise Newly Hatched Sandhill Crane Chick
CONTACT: Ryan Michalesko, Communications & Advocacy Specialist, 608-356-9462 ext. 113
International Crane Foundation researcher appointed to Wisconsin Legislative Council Study Committee on Sandhill Cranes
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