Emeritus Directors

The International Crane Foundation’s Emeritus Directors are an important foundation for the success of our organization. All Emeritus Directors previously served as Directors – in some cases, for more than 20 years – and now continue to serve the foundation with their experience, expertise and financial support.

Emeritus Directors
Lawrence Benjamin Lalise Mason
Joseph Branch (Past Chair) Nancy Mathews
Robert Brumder Patti McKeithan
James Brumm (Past Chair) Janet McKenna
Leslie Coolidge Nancy Merrill
Jane Dana Dave Myers
Richard Dana Nancy O’Donnell
John Day Hugh O’Halloran
Judy Derse Harry Peterson
Thomas Donnelley, II Regina Phelps
A. Sidney England Jeanne Prochnow
Samuel Evans Diane Rikkers
Rick Fox Paul Robbins
Denny Geiler Kathleen D. Ryan
Chuck Gibbons Victoria Shaw
Nina Griswold Bill Smith
Ann Hamilton Richard Steeves
Forrest Hartmann (Past Chair) Bill Sullivan
Hall Healy (Past Chair) Jeff Sundberg
Mirabel Helme Tim Tuff
Heather Henson Sandi Whitmore
Robert Hoguet Belinda Wright
Mike Horn Urban C. Lehner
Charles Jahn
Mark Lefebvre