Our Cultural and Strategic Values
We are One ICF: from Wisconsin to the World, China to South Africa, Uganda to Texas, and beyond, we are one team of many cultures, languages, and perspectives, we are committed to each other and to our mission. During our strategic visioning process, we defined those characteristics of our culture that we most value, and we committed to work proactively to secure the very best aspects of our culture as we grow and further decentralize over the decade ahead to achieve our vision. Those core values include:
We are mission-driven. We are a very mission-focused organization, and our staff are passionate about making a deep, positive impact in all we do, in every program and department, and at every level of the organization. We are strategic problem-solvers who pursue our mission with clear vision, goals, strategies, and measurable outcomes.
We are innovative. We encourage bold thinking and innovation in all we do and support strategic risk-taking at all levels of the organization without fear of failure. We understand that great ideas come from throughout our organization, and we inspire, nurture, train, and support leadership development for all.
We are nimble. We are a continuously learning organization that responds quickly and effectively to opportunities and challenges. We germinate and test new ideas, learn from them, reflect on results, and adapt to increase our effectiveness and impact.
We are collaborative. We promote strong partnership, collaboration, and understanding among all our staff — within and among our programs and departments and throughout our organization. We value local knowledge and engage staff and partners from the places where we work. We encourage the free exchange of expertise, experience, and lessons-learned for the benefit of all.
We are inclusive. We value one another for our unique perspectives, experiences, and talents. We foster a respectful, open-door environment where all voices are appreciated and contribute fully to advancing our mission. We share our genuine gratitude for achievement and effort throughout the organization, recognizing that it “takes a village” to further our mission with meaningful contributions at every level.
We are trustworthy. We are honest with ourselves and accountable to our partners, members, and donors about our strengths and weaknesses. We build trust and respect among our staff, supporters, and partners for the integrity we bring to our mission. We seek transparency in our communications, encouraging open exchange among our staff and with the Board of Directors, and soliciting feedback from staff at all levels to strengthen our organization.
We are determinedly optimistic. While aware of the enormity of the conservation challenges we face, we embrace our mission with the positive belief that our efforts can and do make a meaningful difference for cranes and the ecosystems, watersheds, and flyways on which they depend. We draw inspiration and hope from our founding vision that determined individuals can change the world.
We champion cranes as ambassadors for international goodwill, working across geographic, political, social, and cultural boundaries to achieve lasting conservation solutions. We are a strong and representative staff drawn from Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America, with members and partners in more than 60 countries on five continents. We bring people together from all backgrounds and interests to work together to solve big conservation challenges. We mentor local conservation leadership everywhere we work, identifying and supporting leaders for today and tomorrow in the places that cranes need to thrive. We genuinely care about the communities we serve, knowing that lasting conservation solutions must support the well-being and livelihoods of the people who share their lands with cranes.
We believe that healthy crane populations depend on healthy communities living in healthy landscapes. Our headquarters in Baraboo, Wisconsin, is located within the ancestral homeland of the Ho-Chunk People, and we acknowledge and honor the Ho-Chunk People as caretakers of the land and water since time immemorial and as our neighbors, friends, and vital members of our community. Across our global programs, we are dedicated to amplifying local voices and perspectives in all the places where cranes dance.
Our organizational commitment to these values runs deep. Our Board of Directors and senior leadership mirror our staff, the places where we work, the communities we serve, and the unique leadership skills we need. We recruit, hire, and support staff, interns, and volunteers to promote career pathways in conservation for all who care about our lands, waters, and biodiversity. We attract creative new perspectives and experiences to solve complex problems and challenge entrenched points of view. We seek deep insights into local and regional issues that affect the lives of the people we serve. We cultivate and inspire a deeper connection to wild things and wild places among underserved members of our community. We maintain thriving workplaces that are free from discrimination and harassment and adhere to our long-held principles of fairness and equality. We foster a respectful and accessible environment for people of all backgrounds and perspectives.
Over the coming decade, we will work proactively to maintain and enhance these core values, committing staff time and resources to the following (and much more):
Organizational cohesion. Maintaining a unified organizational culture of OneICF that continues to be mission-driven, while allowing flexibility for local adaptations to effectively operate in various environments. Encouraging all staff to communicate openly about their work, concerns, and ideas for improvement. Drawing from internal resources and outside expertise to monitor and guide our staff towards a greater sense of unity.
Representative leadership. Ensuring that our overseas programs and projects continue to be run by staff who are from the regions and countries where we work, including every level of program leadership, and continuing to ensure that our Board of Directors reflects the places where we work in Asia and Africa. Representative leadership also enhances our in-region reputation, deepens our connections with local government and partners, and opens doors to connect us with new funding opportunities.
Cultural sensitivity. Understanding and respecting different cultural norms, values, and communication styles across various regions to effectively collaborate with local staff, partners, and communities. Ensuring effective communication across diverse languages and cultural contexts, including a deeper commitment to cross-cultural training, awareness, and understanding and culturally sensitive norms and values.
Local ownership and empowerment. Maintaining our commitment to decentralization, avoiding top-down approaches, and ensuring local teams and partners actively participate in decision-making and program design to maximize impact and sustainability. Balancing the power between headquarters staff and field staff working in diverse contexts, and the natural power imbalance between our staff and the communities everywhere we serve, to prevent paternalistic attitudes and promote equitable partnerships and shared leadership.
Political savvy. Adapting operations to different political environments, navigating potential restrictions or conflicts, and advocating for change while maintaining neutrality where necessary. Maintaining strong government relations enables us to work in all countries that are central to our mission, in good standing with national, regional, and local governments.