Crane Specialist Group

Membership in the Crane Specialist Group
Membership in the Crane Specialist Group is open by invitation to researchers and conservationists who have demonstrated an active commitment to working on cranes and the ecosystems where they live. The International Crane Foundation supports the activities of the Crane Specialist Group, and members receive an electronic version of the International Crane Foundation’s quarterly newsletter, The Bugle.
More Information
For further information on the Crane Specialist Group, contact:
Kerryn Morrison, Chair
Vice President International – Africa
International Crane Foundation/Endangered Wildlife Trust Partnership
Private Bag X11, Modderfontein, 1645, Johannesburg, South Africa
Phone: + 27 11 372 3600
Claire Mirande, Program Officer
Grants Officer – Asia
International Crane Foundation
E11376 Shady Lane Road
Baraboo, Wisconsin 53913, USA
Phone: 1-608-356-9462, ext. 122

The Ron Sauey Library for Bird Conservation at the International Crane Foundation has the world’s largest collection of materials related to cranes, their captive health and their conservation in the wild. Many of these materials are available electronically on the website or by contacting the librarian. The library seeks reports about crane research and projects and other relevant materials such as distribution maps, sent either by email or regular mail.
A free downloadable photo gallery of crane species is available online, as well as an extensive image collection that is accessible by contacting our photo editor.
A variety of educational materials are available for students and teachers in English, Chinese, Russian, or Spanish.
For more information about the specialist group networks, visit:
Contact Information for Regional Crane Working Groups:
African Cranes, Wetlands, and Communities Programme
Contact Ms. Kerryn Morrison
Crane and Waterbird Working Group of the China Ornithological Society
Contact: Dr. Ding Changqing
Crane Working Group of Baluchistan, Pakistan
Leader: Mr. Ghulam Ali Baloch
Contact: Mr. Ghazanfar Ali Khan
Crane Working Group of Punjab, Pakistan
Leader: Mr. Padar Munir
Contact: Mr. Ghazanfar Ali Khan
Indian Cranes and Wetlands Working Group
International Red-crowned Crane Network
Contact Ms. Yulia S. Momose
North East Asia Crane Working Group
Red-crowned Crane Conservancy
Crane Conservation Germany: English website / German website
Crane Working Group of Eurasia
Contact Ms. Elena Ilyashenko
North America