Emeritus Directors

The International Crane Foundation’s Emeritus Directors are an important foundation for the success of our organization. All Emeritus Directors previously served as Directors – in some cases, for more than 20 years – and now continue to serve the foundation with their experience, expertise and financial support.
Emeritus Directors | |
Lawrence Benjamin | Lalise Mason |
Joseph Branch (Past Chair) | Nancy Mathews |
Robert Brumder | Patti McKeithan |
James Brumm (Past Chair) | Janet McKenna |
Leslie Coolidge | Nancy Merrill |
Jane Dana | Dave Myers |
Richard Dana | Nancy O’Donnell |
John Day | Hugh O’Halloran |
Judy Derse | Harry Peterson |
Thomas Donnelley, II | Regina Phelps |
A. Sidney England | Jeanne Prochnow |
Samuel Evans | Diane Rikkers |
Rick Fox | Paul Robbins |
Denny Geiler | Kathleen D. Ryan |
Chuck Gibbons | Victoria Shaw |
Nina Griswold | Bill Smith |
Ann Hamilton | Richard Steeves |
Forrest Hartmann (Past Chair) | Bill Sullivan |
Hall Healy (Past Chair) | Jeff Sundberg |
Mirabel Helme | Tim Tuff |
Heather Henson | Sandi Whitmore |
Robert Hoguet | Belinda Wright |
Mike Horn | Urban C. Lehner |
Charles Jahn | |
Mark Lefebvre | |