We found 259 results for your search.

CITES Announces Suspension of Crowned Crane Trade

An announcement, detailing the suspension of trade in Black Crowned Cranes from Guinea, Sudan and South Sudan and trade in Grey Crowned Cranes from Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania, has just come out of the CITES Conference of the Parties 16 currently underway in Bangkok, Thailand.

Travels with George: Zambia Winter 2013

Together with ICF’s excellent colleague, Griffin Shanungu of the Zambia Wildlife Authroity, I recently had the privilege of spending four days in Lochinvar National Park (LNP) in central Zambia, a park that includes about 8 percent of the acreage of the vast Kafue Flats – a floodplain of the Kafue River and a major habitat for Wattled Cranes.

Thinking Green at ICF

This winter, snow removal has been at the top of the list for ICF’s Site Management team, and thanks to their efforts ICF’s human and bird flock have had a very safe winter. But it’s their behind-the-scenes “green efforts”, led by ICF’s Site Manager Dave Chesky, we would like to highlight.

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Injured Whooping Crane Released Back into the Wild

Thanks to the helpful veterinarians and wildlife staff from Disney’s Animal Kingdom in Florida, an injured endangered Whooping Crane is free again, and in the company of other cranes. The Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership first heard there was a problem with one of the 111 Whooping Cranes in the Eastern Migratory Population from members of the public, who first reported a Whooping Crane limping around the outskirts of North Miami.

Crane Specialist Group Call To Action

In early December 2012, ICF co-organized with Beijing Forestry University an international crane workshop in Beijing and Hunan Province, China. Following the workshop, the Crane Specialist Group developed a Call for Action for the “Protection of cranes and wetlands through sustainable agriculture in Northeast Asia.”

Travels with George: North Korea Fall 2012

The following are notes from my October 27-November 8, 2012 visit to North Korea. I was the guest of North Korea’s foremost ornithologist, Dr. Park U Il of the State Academy of Sciences (SAOS), with whom ICF has been working since my first visit in 2008. From our base at the Pyongyang Hotel, we traveled to three important sites for Red-crowned Cranes.

Whooping Cranes Depart on Ultralight-guided Flight to Florida

Six young Whooping Cranes began their ultralight-led migration September 28th from the White River Marsh State Wildlife Area in Green Lake County, Wis. This is the 12th group of birds to take part in a project led by the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP), an international coalition of public and private groups that is reintroducing this highly imperiled species in eastern North America, part of its historic range.

Dam-Dependent Zambezi Basin Unprepared for Climate Change

An in-depth study warns that new and proposed dams on Southern Africa’s largest river are ill-prepared to withstand the shocks of a changing climate. The result could be uneconomic dams that under-perform in the face of more extreme drought, and more dangerous dams that have not been designed to handle increasingly damaging floods.

Collaboration between US and Russian Scientists Protects Critical Breeding Habitat for Cranes

At the North American Crane Workshop in 2008, ICF had the pleasure to host our long-term colleague, Inga Bysykatova from the Institute of Biological Problems of the Cryolithozone (IBPC) in Yakutia, Russia. Inga had been studying Sandhill Cranes that migrated from Texas, across Alaska, to breed in the tundra in far eastern Russia.