We found 260 results for your search.

Travels with George: Connecting the Birthplace of Buddha with Sarus Crane Conservation

In 1989, when International Crane Foundation staff first visited Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha on the lowlands of Nepal, we recognized the significance of the three-square-mile site rich with natural habitats and breeding pairs of Sarus Cranes – the religious harmony at Lumbini was reflected by a natural harmony.

Travels with George: Sharing Experiences from Sarus and Whooping Crane Reintroductions

Many decades ago there were non-migratory Sarus Cranes in Thailand and non-migratory Whooping Cranes in Louisiana. Both populations were lost. Since 2011, captive breeding programs in the two countries have each provided 12-15 birds annually for releases back into the wild.

Travels with George: Inspiring Crane Conservation in China

The International Crane Foundation, as a world center for cranes, provides extraordinary learning opportunities as well as inspiration for conservationists from around the world. We’ve been delighted to host several significant visits from China, Thailand, and Nepal this year.